Home Acne Remedies

If you're looking for home remedies to cure acne, you're in the right place. While many people (including doctors and well educated scientific folk!) might dismiss home remedies for acne as a waste of time, there are just as many people who have a more open mind, and who are intelligent enough to accept that they are worth investigating.

Many, many people have had amazing successes with home remedies for curing acne, including one chronic sufferer called Chris Gibson, who permanently cleared his acne in just 3 days using all natural methods. Here's some of the approaches he recommends:

1) Eat better. That means cutting out all sugary sweets and drinks, fizzy pop and soda, high fat cakes and treats, and replacing them with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (at least 5 portions of different fruit and vegetables a day). A well balanced diet is vital for total inner body health, and if you consider acne to be a symptom of a bigger problem inside, by treating the source of the problem, this remedy will help cure your acne.

2) Drink plenty of water. Water for the body is like oil for a car. It helps us run smoothly, and if we don't get enough water, things start breaking and not working so well. Drink at least 8 tall glasses of water a day, and don't wait to be thirsty before you drink - just keep a glass on hand and sip throughout the day.

3) Wash twice a day with a pH neutral soap. Although it is generally accepted that it's a myth that acne appears because of poor hygience, it is still just as widely accepted that you can ease the symptoms and avoid aggravating the condition by keeping your face and any affected areas clean.

Home remedies to cure acne don't have to be magic potions concoted from weird ingredients that you rub into your armpits or put under your pillow at night - they're just sensible approaches to keeping a healthy, balanced body.

These home remedies to cure acne might sound too simple to be of any use, but they're based on ideas that Chris Gibson gives in his book, "Acne Free In 3 Days". The book is his story of his battle with acne throughout his adolescant years and well into adulthood. His eventual breakthrough came when he dropped the steroid creams and dangerous chemical treatments and opened up to home remedies and natural methods, and now he's been acne free for years.

Acne is the bane of many young people's lives, but it can affect older generations too and it's just as big a problem for them. If you suffer from acne and you're not having any luck with expensive treatments that your doctors are prescribing, consider going all-natural.

Home remedies to cure acne are cheap, fast, simple and effective. Plus, there's a ton of evidence to prove they work just as well if not better than prescribed medication.

Home Acne Remedies

  1. Unknown December 9, 2010 at 1:39 PM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. Unknown December 9, 2010 at 1:42 PM  

    To avoid from having an acne which damages our face, we should prevent from eating oily foods, wash our face every time we go home and use facial cleanser after washing to remove the dust which was not been removed by the water.